A Final V4 Ariane and Poser 9 is Out

After struggling with the intricacies of slider bars, trying to balance  between matching the proportions of “classic” Ariane, and what actually looks good, I ultimately decided to just keep it simple.  I found a pre-designed V4 head that is close, made a grand total of 8 minor adjustments to get closer, and deemed it “close enough”.  The new Ariane is not as “classic” as my earlier experiments, but she has got her youth and cuteness back, which ultimately is more important in the long run.  I’ll get used to the higher forehead and wider cheeks.  I have already pretty much locked down this model, and rerendered all the sequel picks.

And speaking of rerendering, Poser 9 was officially released today, and I already got it.  I try to keep up with the tech as much as possible, though I am not obsessive about it. My work up to now has been handled by Poser 7, and before that was Poser 5.  I skip versions.

The big new feature is something called Vertex Weight Map Rigging, and I have no idea what it means.  Apparently it has something to do with making more realistic wrinkles. Whatever.

For me the new features I am likely to use the most is scene grouping, partial rendering (render the background, then the foreground), camera controls (you used to have to memorize your camera settings before zooming in to make adjustments, now that is all automatic), better library tools and objects as lights (Finally! All my other 3D programs have had this feature for years).  There is also full COLLADA file support, which is what Second Life mesh files use.

I may post a formal review later.  Meanwhile, I’m going to go play with my new toys.


  • Just curious: have you tried using that model with a hairstyle and/or color that more closely resemble the old model? IMHO, her face looks a lot more like Ariane then the other model you showed us and with similar hair, I think I could accept her as an upgraded version of the same character.

  • As someone who originally criticized the “new Ariane,” I am fully on board with this model. She looks A LOT closer to the original and dare I say, hotter!?! Per usual, fantastic work. Your attention to detail is greatly appreciated by your many fans!

  • Very impressive work there Ariane, you seem to have a subtle gift for this. I wish I had the patience, tenacity and commitment to produce something of that quality. You do realise of course, that this will only make us pressure you into producing more don’t you? Can’t wait for the beta!

  • Are you going to update the old game with the new model?

    • Well I’ll never say never, but it would be a hell of a lot of work. I’m currently working on replacing the pictures on the arianeb.com home page, and just redoing those 20 pictures is a lot of work. Doing 1100 would be too much,

  • I reckon the new Ariane looks much MUCH more life like and about 10X prettier. Good job.

  • Definitely more like the old Arianne we know and love 🙂 – great stuff!

    Would it be feasible to release (even as download only) a version of the current game with the new model as you posted her above? would be interesting to look at, and possibly help continuity

    /runs away before he is shot for the idea

  • Truthfully – I will miss the old Ariane, if for no other reason that she is the spitting image of one of my co-workers … nuff said.

  • Good work!

    It looks pretty good

  • When will the 2nd date be released?

  • As one of the first readers to nitpick the redesign, I’ve been feeling guilty in a way. It occurs to me that as your avatar, Ariane isn’t really the image we’ve been seeing for years. Instead, the image is an approximation of the character in your head.

    The new model is very cute, and I expect to get used to her in time.

  • Wow, the new character is more exciting.
    very good job.

    I just hope that your new game will be longer and more difficult than the first game (because it’s better when it’s hard to find a solution and more enjoyable).

    In any case, it will be hard to wait a year until the release of the game.

  • There is something classic about the ‘old’ Ariane I agree, but the new look for her is
    pretty much right on the money. I’m curious about your comparisons with celebrities.I
    can see some characteristics from the celebrity list (do you mean the ‘V’ morena, or
    ‘Firefly’?),She initialy made me think of Cheryl Cole. Not so much the hair, but certainly
    the face. But what is really freaky (well I think so) is how much both Arianes resemble a ‘real’ Ariane – Ariane Sommer.


    Apart from being blonde, some of her publicity shots could have come from the game!

  • Oh, something else I just wanted to throw in – a few blogs ago ,you mentioned some sim date games and the force one site. Most of them are pretty dire, but you might want to get a look at ‘Getting to know Christine’. Was very good IMO and might give you some ideas for scenarios. You know… maybe…

  • Congrtulations! This new version is really good. Maybe she doesn’t ressemble to the original mdel, but is a really pretty girl, really more appealing than your first effort for the new game.

    I’d support the already made suggestion of givin to this ney model the old one’s hair color to maintain certains sense of “continuity”. But it really doesn’t matter, because yu can solve the problen with a line of dialogue in which she says something about a hair dye.

    Again, thnaks for all you effort, and for the great results

    • The funny thing is, in my mind the model for Ariane has always been “black” hair, but the hair model I used primarily in the first game is not really black, its more of a dark auburn brown color. Simultaneously, in the first game I also used a pony tail hair that actually was black, and I guess people just dismissed the difference as sloppy continuity. To me the pony tail hair was the right color.

      But yes, in the “sequel”, I have found a creative way to explain the change in hairstyle.

      • Arieneb, a secret between you and me: I also prefer black-haired girls. So I won’t protest for this leap of continuity! 😉

  • you know i found the first game a few years ago and liked it and always watch for new updates or fix’s though i never had a problem playing in firefox somehow hehe.
    the new looks is great and i love the sultry looks from original and the new but now she looks a bit older not old but a idea would be sense the changes are from you getting a better program (wish i knew more about it to try some myself) it may be a idea to have the second part as its fully new a few years after the first date (would explain all new dif and as the same guy in old date still fit completly if you use a excuse that she was dating a couple dif guys at time ((and we are all dif guys who played it)) and had a year relation but broke it off and found her old date friend..but thats just a story line dont even consider it if you dont like it but explains new looks and such but same home town.
    for one i must say im so impressed with all the work and skill used in the old date game that anything new will be great just because i can tell your doing it cause you care about your quality of work and like you keep saying in your posts its fun for you and it is art..all i can say is thanks for making a new game and sharing it when your done. some have tryd to make duplicates but they are more sex games where yours is adult rated but is just a fun date like most people have having fun and not having sex is still what you do every day with your friends so even a low score isnt a loseing date its a friend date not a girlfriend date.
    my first comments here but i wanted to say THANK YOU for i had a lot of fun with the old and will with the new im sure.

  • I was watching the “P9/2012 Render thread” at the DAZ3D-forums (as I always do), and seeing you have P9, I thought there’s a big leap in what is being made these days. An example is Baggins at page 15, url here:


    Personally I’m trying out the Lux render-engine as much as possible these days. It’s a different concept and it’s not easy to ‘unlearn’ the tricks and cheats I use when I adjust the materials and lights in a scene. Pretty much used to Light Dome Pro2 when it comes to light in DAZ Studio. From what I heard, it’s possible to export your scene into Lux from Poser.

  • I’d be interested to see the old and new models for a direct side-by-side comparison, but this is a huge improvement! The two pictures you posted for comparison remind me of the ‘before/after’ shots for video game sequels. As you said, she’s definitely kept her youthfulness and cute looks with this model!

  • Yes, but will I be able to masturbate to her?

  • wow…great job! when will you release the new game?

  • btw, does she ever play with herself, even if it is on the arianeb.com?

  • Pingback: If Date Ariane were redone with the new model, this is what it would look like. « Ariane's Life in the Metaverse

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